On this February 29, Leap Day, it is only appropriate that I write my post somewhat related to leap year so that is why I titled it Leap of Faith and ask you what leaps of faith have you taken in your life. Was it a new job you got which meant moving to a new location away from what you consider your comfort zone? Was it traveling to a new country with some friends or by yourself just to say you went there? Was it branching out and starting your own business?
Some leaps of faith I have taken in my own life are leaving my family when they lived in Japan to go to college in California, to be that far away from my immediate family wasn't always fun. I had to grow up a little bit faster, take care of all my own business here, I couldn't call up my mom and have her make a doctor's appointment for me if I needed to go or whatever was needed.
*Update: I have a new leap of faith coming my way, I never mention my work on the blog but I will here now. I work for a Member of Congress and this morning he announced his retirement after serving 32 years, which means I have to be looking for a new job by the end of the year. This is entirely too scary for me...
So it is your turn, what leaps of faith have you taken in your life, did they turn out how you thought they would be and if not what did you learn from those leaps?
If you are on the edge of about to take that leap of faith, what is holding you back?
For your viewing pleasure images of leaps!
I am also linking up this post for Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday.

And just because it is Leap DAy, I have to post a photo of two people playing Leap Frog, I just have to!
I hope I am not going too deep for you all this week, I know this is not my usual type of posting but it is good to change it up every once in awhile, I assure you I am not going through anything serious in my life that I am contemplating a lot. I just use things around me like my pastor's sermon series and decided to expand upon them ie my post on Monday.
Happy Leap Day everyone!
I loved this, such a heartfelt post...I will be reflecting on it today thinking about what leaps I have taken! xo
Thanks for sharing! :) You did make some leaps- especially moving to a whole different country than your family at a young age!
As for me....gosh, none really come to mind! that's a little sad! haha.
Oh, I like this post a lot, Meg! I cannot imagine going to college so far from my family at the age of eighteen. That was seriously one giant leap of faith (and so very brave of you!). I took a leap of faith when I decided to live with my friend and four of her business fraternity friends this year in a campus house. I was a little nervous since I didn't really know the other four girls, but we've all bonded so well, and I cannot imagine my life without them! Or this house, which we have made so many wonderful memories in! :)
I love deep, and learning more about you. I think you made some absolutely great decisions. All of those big choices take a lot of bravery, you did good.
My husband was a leap of faith. Everything pointed to no when it came to dating him and running after him. But something told me not to give up. I should have walked away 900x. I even had the female best friend who was in love/obsessed with him that was in my way. But I never gave up and here we are 2 yrs and 3 months later married. Never would have thought the day we met, this would have happened!
Megs...thank you! I love the creativity of this post. And I love the leaps of faith you found. I did something similiar the last two weeks and I wondered if it was lost on everyone...but they all seemed to appreciate some depth...but my post today is more typical. ANYWAY super cute idea. nice work
Great post! I took a leap of faith moving here for my husband to go to law school. Even though it meant leaving behind a 4th grade teaching position, it has been a good experience!
What do you do with your masters in public admin? I am thinking of going back for my masters. =)
My biggest leap of faith was moving to Houston alone almost 5 years ago for grad school. I had to be completely depend on God for everything. It was hard but I'm so glad that I did it!
AH! I love this post :)
All of the leap pictures are great!
I'm in the middle of taking a leap ;)
I'm graduating in May with my mass communications degree, but
I really feel like I am called to teach...so I'm going for it!
SO EXCITED..and a little nervous too if I'm being honest!
Thanks for this inspiring post, girl!
What a great idea with the leap photos! Thanks for an inspiring post, I needed it this morning! :)
I love the spin you took on "leap day". My husband and I took a leap of faith last year and last minute felt called to not move back home after his residency. Within 1 month we had jobs and a house in a completely different city and it has been wonderful! God's plans are the best plans.
happy leap day! I love the Pins! Thanks for sharing your leaps.
Aw this was a good post. All those leaps of faith were big ones. Sorry to hear about your job. Maybe you can just blog and work from home ;)
- Sarah
Leaps can always be scary, but at some point, you just have to jump!
xo Josie
I'm so sorry to hear you'll be looking for another job, but I wish you success & another wonderful opportunity! I love your theme for today. Life's greatest joys often come from leaps of faith & trusting God has big plans for us. What a great reminder!
great photos. and good luck with your next employment leap. i am sure you'll find something great.
Lovely post & great pins! Happy Leap Day!
I think sometimes we make huge leaps without even realizing how huge they are... until later (which is probably good). The forced big leap into a new job will be an adventure, but one I'm confident will turn out well for you :)
So inspirational! Love the pics, especially that little gold fish :)
From Brooklyn with love,
Great post and love the pics!
♥ Shia
Love all your pins Meg! I know change brings uncertainty, but it's so important to move out of our comfort zones and jump in leaps of faith from time to time. I am sure you will find exactly what it is you should be doing, it always works out for the best! I certainly took a leap of faith by staying home this year; while it has its own set of challenges, I am very happy and confident in this choice. Love the stance you took today!
I know it's scary to look for a new job, but you'll find one! I'm here to help and support in any way I can!
Beautiful photos. The model on the airplane is especially breathtaking.
I would say me going to college out of state where I didn't know anyone was a leap of faith. So was trying online dating and going on blind dates. Both worked out well for me!
I admire people who can take a leap of faith. I'm far too paranoid and worry about everything. It really gets in my way of experiencing and enjoying new things. It's something I need to work on.
Is your boss the man whose father just passed away?
I think in the end it'll work out great for you. I bet you'll find something more challenging that you enjoy :) You have a lot of experience and qualifications to go far!!
You are so great. I love the theme of this post! And all the pictures are wonderful and inspiring! I am taking a leap in starting my own business...yikes. I am also going to attempt to leap off my couch more and get my butt back into shape! Haha.
Ive enjoyed these posts this week! In a guest post I wrote today, I mentioned how kev and my marriage was a leap of faith since we never lived in the same city or saw each other on a regular basis and because he would deploy right after. Glad I made that leap for sure ;)
Bummer about your boss's retirement, but I know you will have no problems finding another job, you are so talented and personable!
You have made some amazing leaps of faith! My biggest leap of faith was getting married at 19. It has been a great leap so far. ;) Now, I'm waiting to find my next big leap!
I am new to your blog. This is so GREAT though. One of the biggest leaps of faith I took was having to leave my job as a nanny to triplets for 4 1/2 years. Since my life has changed greatly but I still miss being with them everyday and reading stories to them at night. Keeping you in my prayers with your job situation!!
leap of faith is all we have...mmhmm i heard about your congress member retiring in the news...you never think these things impact someone you know...small world! i have faith you will find a new and better job soon friend!!
Meg this is a wonderful post, heartfelt and inspirational! You are in my thoughts and prayers as you embark on your job search. You are a wonderful person good things will come your way. Remember you have the greatest support!
I love this post and the theme and love the pins you found to correspond! I've been though a couple leaps of faith over the past 6 years and have another one around the corner too. I'm sorry you'll be on the job search, I wish you the best of luck and I am sure something great is around the corner for you. Everything happens for a reason! :)
Nice post, I love the pics of leaps! My leap was going for the job I've been wanting this year and not taking no for an answer, I finally got it! My next will be tackling my finances and living frugally to secure my first home! :)
Great post, those pins fit this topic very well! I think that there will be a lot of leaps of faith that we will need to jump over throughout life, it's just all in how you perceive them. You will do great! Believe it :)
<3 Karen from
Also, I tagged you on my blog.
how come your family was in japan? best wishes on finding out your next job path!
I love this post! And great pictures to go along with it. I would say my leap of faith was studying abroad in college. I am so happy I did it even though it was sad to leave home.
great post! Right now, my leap of faith is only working part time. It's not the financial issues, but I really do enjoy working in the family business and I'm not sure how things are all going to turn out. But I really feel like I shoudl be at home with our baby girl at least a few days a week so for now...that's where I am.
What a sweet post! I just found your blog through your sponsor feature at The Presuttis, and I am so looking forward to being your newest follower!
I hope you'll stop by my blog, Cupcakes and Candy Canes, sometime!
I LOVED this post, Meg! And the pictures are just too cute, especially the leap frog one. I could completely relate to what you were saying about getting your masters because that's where I am now, constantly thinking if I can handle it all. It's such a blessing to know that God is there to meet you in your faith.
Making a leap of faith is such a big step, but I think with prayer and planning things will end up even better than they are now. :) I am in the same kind of situation--there's a huge chance I will be doing something new by the end of the year and it's kind of thrilling to think about how quickly and easily you can change your life! :)
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