Virtual Book Club

Honesty time - I have never been part of a book club like a weekly, read the chapter, come back next week and we will discuss exclusively book club. I have been involved in Bible studies and we might have read a book on the side but nothing that was titled Book Club. 
Recently I was browsing through Amazon wanting to try and become a reader. I admit it has been awhile since I finished a book, let alone picked one up besides the Bible. I stumbled upon this book, 5 Habits of A Woman Who Doesn't Quit by Nicki Koziarz. It sounded good. It sounded intriguing. It sounded like what I need. Maybe you don't think of yourself as a quitter but the more I thought about it, the more I needed this book. Do I tend to want to quit when things get hard? Then you need this book as much as I do. 
Then I did maybe what I shouldn't have done, I posted about it on Facebook that I was going to read that book. See what I did there? I posted it on social media to tell the world hey I am going to read this book and I will not quit halfway or even 3/4s of the way through. Then I had a few friends comment that they were interested in reading the book with me. Most of these friends were spread across the country in different regions so that led to the virtual book club idea. I made a group on Facebook, put everyone in it who said they wanted to read the book and off we started with our virtual book club.
Last week, we just had our first discussion on the first chapter which focused on refinement. Do you like that word? I really do. When you are going through something hard, something you want to quit, you might say it is a mess. But we aren't messes, we are going through hard things to be refined, to grow, to be molded into a better version of ourselves because of that hard thing. Isn't that a wonderful thing? 
Are you looking to learn how not to quit? Are you wanting to be refined through the trials or tough situations that life brings? There is still time to join us. Purchase the book, lets find each other on Facebook and join our club! We promise we don't bite :-) 

1 comment:

Jess said...

I love your virtual book club idea! I want to try to join in for the next one! I've been trying to make myself read more... I honestly hadn't picked up a book since college until this last year... eek!