Quick Snacking Treat!

From the beginning of the summer, my family has been focusing on their health a bit more. We have been doing regular chiropractor appointments. We are making sure we are taking our supplements, and two different professional opinions we sought have HIGHLY recommended taking omega-3s and Vitamin D-3. We are focusing on eating less gluten with the goal to be completely gluten free all together and also eating more whole foods versus the franken-type foods, factory made foods versus nature made foods. 
An easy way to get some omegas in our diet is chia seeds. From overnight oats that contain chias to these easy to make energy snacks with chia AND flax seeds, keep these snacks in the fridge for a quick sweet treat that will provide your body some good vitamins. I saw Emily make these on her blog and made another version recently (see recipe here) and had all the ingredients so I made her version! 

Just a few ingredients is all you need to put these quick snacking balls together.
1 cup dry oats, 1/4 cup flax seeds, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1/3 cup honey, 1/2 cup natural peanut butter, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon vanilla and I add about 1/2 cup of chocolate chips for a fun surprise!


Simply LKJ said...

Sound yummy! And good for y'all for seeking better health.

Sarah Alway said...

Yum! My sister just sent me a recipe for something similar, but I don't think it had chia seeds. I'll have to try this!