Tomorrow is my birthday and I pulled together a few items that are on the top of my wish list.
Just a few items to fashionably start off my 29th year!
striped sweater
striped top
navy dress
bow tie flats
striped sweater
These are just a few items I would love to add to my collection and hope you don't feel the need to buy me everything ;-) oh and do you follow me on polyvore?
p.s. wishing my mother in law, Sharon, a great birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day.
p.p.s. Want to hear an interesting story? Yesterday Kip ate some bread dough that I had rising for dinner. I watched as his stomach started expanding due to the dough continuing to rise in his stomach. I started freaking outa bit, ok, a lot. I read that bread dough has the potential to kill dogs and also that hydrogen peroxide will induce vomiting so down the hatch went some hydrogen peroxide and fortunately all the dough came back up. Then 45 minutes later, Kip was asking for his dinner as if nothing had ever happened and his mom wasn't freaking out because she thought her dog was going to die. It is never a dull moment with a jack russell terrier and one that I don't want to repeat ever. I love that dog too much and I have told him he is never allowed to die.
Just a few items to fashionably start off my 29th year!

striped sweater
striped top
navy dress
bow tie flats
striped sweater
These are just a few items I would love to add to my collection and hope you don't feel the need to buy me everything ;-) oh and do you follow me on polyvore?
p.s. wishing my mother in law, Sharon, a great birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day.
p.p.s. Want to hear an interesting story? Yesterday Kip ate some bread dough that I had rising for dinner. I watched as his stomach started expanding due to the dough continuing to rise in his stomach. I started freaking out
Glad Kip is OK!
oh gosh, that would have freaked me out. i'm actually freaking out just thinking about it :(. i'm glad he is OK.
on a happier note, i hope that you get everything on your list! ;)
Happy Early Birthday! Glad to hear your doggy is okay - I feel the same way about my dachshund ... she is NEVER allowed to leave me!
Happy Birthday!!! Those bow shoes are too adorable!! Glad the dog is ok!!
Happy early birthday! Mine is this Sunday and I cannot wait! I hope yours is a super fun filled day!
those are fabulous picks Meg!
so glad Kip is okay! i totally would've gone nuts not knowing what to do!
Happy almost birthday! I love those bow flats.
Oliver has scared me numerous times, like when he ate chocolate and gnawed on a cigarette! Thankfully he was fine both times. Glad to hear Kip is okay!
The Tiny Heart
Datevitation Giveaway!
I hope you get everything on your wish list! I really love that arrow necklace. Quick thinking with the hydrogen peroxide, glad your lil guy is ok! Have a great bday
Happy almost birthday! I love all of these thing - especially the navy dress. It's on sale too.
I'll take one of each of those picks! Great wish list. Love the blazer and the bag. Glad Kip is ok. I would've freaked out seeing his little belly rise! Sonic has gotten into so many things and it's always a waiting game to see how they'll react. Scary!
Happy almost birthday!! I have been through some really scary situations with our little Tobbie dog and he always recovers so much faster than me! I don't think they realize how much they are our babies! :)
love the bow flats! happy birthday! :) and so glad to hear that your dog is okay. my cat ate part of a lily once which are apparently toxic to cats and can cause their kidneys to fail in 24 hours (yikes!) and i was a crying disaster as i took her to the animal hospital, so i totally understand how you feel!
Happy early birthday! I just bought my own birthday gift and mine isn't until Feburary ;)
Wowie Zowie!!! That's a lot of excitement for some homemade bread!!
Love your birthday picks. Very stylish and yet comfy looking as well!
I would have been freaking out if that happened to our pet too!! Oh pets and the crazy things they do!
Happy early 29th- some cute cute stuff!
what a scare with Kip! I would also love to add that jacket to a wish list for myself :)
Happy (almost) Birthday!!! Love these!! I'm going to be 29 this month too!!! Oh my goodness, glad Kip is okay!!!!! I should make a birthday wish list also ;)
I love every thing on your wish list and so glad to hear Kip is okay! As a fur mommy I know how scary it can be when they get sick or get into something they shouldn't. The hydrogen peroxide definately works (and fast!) we learned that the hard way when two Christmas ago our dog ate a king size snickers bar. As we were rushing our way around town trying to find a hospital that was open on Christmas day we got a Vet on the phone who suggested the peroxide. The problem was my husband decided to stop at Walgreens to buy some and give it to our dog in our car (he kept arguing w/ me that it would take 15-20 minutes to set in)five seconds later she vomited all over him and the car!!! Ack.....what a christmas that was!
can never go wrong with some converse. :)
I'm glad Kip is okay and I must admit that story made me giggle a little. :-)
Have those sneaks and love those flats :) And I'm glad Kip is ok! Poor pup!
Bless him!! Sure glad you are a smart Momma bc I would have never known that little trick.
I love the gray and green comfy looking!
Happ early birthday! I want all of what you picked!! Just FYI: I have the bow tie flats from Jcrew. But not the factory version, the original way overpriced version. The toes get scuffed up sooooo much. But my pair seem to have a more pointy toe than the factory pair. Nevertheless, I get compliments on them every time i wear them. Mine are bone colored. The orange is so much cuter. Best of luck getting them!
I've had to do the hydrogen peroxide trick with my dogs too. They are also never allowed to die!
Love all the stripes you have on your bday wish list! Happy early birthday!
Happy Birthday! What a freaky incident with the dog, but thank goodness he's ok now. Dogs are resillient like that!
Happy Early Birthday!! And so glad your pup is okay - I can't even imagine the terror!
YAY happy early birthday!!!! have the most amazingly blessed day :)
Happy Birthday! I hope you get every single thing on this list!,
Oh wow! Glad that kip is ok now!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy :)
The blazer looks fun!! You could pair it with anything!!
Loving all the clothing picks! xx
I wear my white converse everywhere and have a similar green jacket from J.Crew factor that I love equally! <3 I like your style :)
Did you end up getting any of this for your birthday?
I LOVE that purse! I'm adding that to my birthday wish list :D
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